Sunday, March 22, 2009


This Kanji is usually pronounced as "Omoi" or "sou"
By itself, it means "thoughts/feelings/emotions/imagination".

Some common forms of the word when used:

想い出omoide): memories
片想い (kata omoi): unrequited love

感想 (kansou): impressions; thoughts
空想 (kuusou): daydream; fantasy
思想 (kansou): thought; idea
発想 (hassou): conceptualization
理想 (risou): ideals


想い (omoi) is closely related to 思い
想い出 can be written as 思い出
Also, 片想い can be written as 片思い
But, "" cannot be read as "sou", unlike ""。
So, you cannot write "感思"。

Both "" and "" mean to think.
(kyou ha ame ga furu to omou)
I think that it will rain today.

*** {phrase} + と思う is a common way of expressing one's opinion.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


This Kanji is pronounced as "ban"
By itself, it means the following:
(1) watch; guard; lookout;
(2) bout, match (sumo);
(3) (one's) turn

Some common forms of the word when used:

番号bangou): number, series of digits
eg. .電話番号(denwa bangou) - telephone number
登録番号 (touroku bangou) - registration number
一番 (ichiban): best; first; number one
(kouban): police box; police post
番組 (bangumi): programme
eg. テレビ番組 (terebi bangumi) TV programme
十八番 (juuhachi ban/ohako): number 18; one's favorite stunt/hobby

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


This Kanji is usually pronounced as "shi"
By itself, it means "assets/ resources/ funds".

Some common forms of the word when used:

資するshisuru): to contribute; to finance
資格 (shikaku): qualifications
eg. 資格を備える shikaku wo sonaeru - to have all the necessary qualifications for something.
資金/資本 (shikin/shihon): funds; capital
eg. 資金を出す shikin wo dasu - to sponsor something
資本家 shihonka - capitalist
資料 (shiryou): materials; data; content
eg. 資料を集める shiryou wo atsumeru - to collect data
資源 (shigen): resources
eg. 人的資源 jinteki shigen - manpower resource
天然資源 tennen shigen - natural resource
資産 (shizan): property; assets
投資 (toushi): invest

Thursday, February 26, 2009


This Kanji is usually pronounced as "atata-" or "nuku" or "on"
(*There are exceptions) By itself, it means "(to) warm".

Some common forms of the word when used:

温かいatatakai/attakai): warm; mild
温める (atatameru/ nukumeru): to warm; to heat

温もり (nukumori): warmth

温室(onshitsu): Greenhouse
温暖化現象 (ondanka genjou): Greenhouse effect
地球温暖化 (chikyuu ondanka): Global warming
体温 (taion): Body temperature
温水(onsui): Warm water

Thursday, February 19, 2009


This Kanji is usually pronounced as "te" or "shu"
(*There are exceptions) By itself, it means "hand".

Some common forms of the word when used:

手作り/手造り (pronounced: tezukuri): handmade; homegrown
手伝う (tetsudau): to help/ assist
手の平(tenohira): Palm of one's hand
(お)手洗い [(o) te arai]: restroom; washroom
切手 (kitte): Stamp
選手(senshu): Player in a competing game

手術 (shujutsu): surgical operation

上手(jyouzu): To be good/skilled at something

Thursday, February 12, 2009

To Look

This Kanji is usually pronounced as "mi" or "ken"
(*There are exceptions) By itself, it means "to look".

Some common forms of the word when used:

見るmiru): to see
eg. yattemiru - to try and see
見える (mieru): to be able to see
eg. koko kara fujisan ga mieru - You can see Mt. Fuji from here
見せる(miseru): to show something
eg. sono hon wo misete kudasai - Please show me that book

見上げる (miageru): To look up at/ admire something
eg. Sora wo miageru - to look up at the sky

花見 [hanami]: cherry blossom viewing/ flower viewing

意見/見解 (iken/kenkai): opinion/view