Thursday, February 26, 2009


This Kanji is usually pronounced as "atata-" or "nuku" or "on"
(*There are exceptions) By itself, it means "(to) warm".

Some common forms of the word when used:

温かいatatakai/attakai): warm; mild
温める (atatameru/ nukumeru): to warm; to heat

温もり (nukumori): warmth

温室(onshitsu): Greenhouse
温暖化現象 (ondanka genjou): Greenhouse effect
地球温暖化 (chikyuu ondanka): Global warming
体温 (taion): Body temperature
温水(onsui): Warm water

Thursday, February 19, 2009


This Kanji is usually pronounced as "te" or "shu"
(*There are exceptions) By itself, it means "hand".

Some common forms of the word when used:

手作り/手造り (pronounced: tezukuri): handmade; homegrown
手伝う (tetsudau): to help/ assist
手の平(tenohira): Palm of one's hand
(お)手洗い [(o) te arai]: restroom; washroom
切手 (kitte): Stamp
選手(senshu): Player in a competing game

手術 (shujutsu): surgical operation

上手(jyouzu): To be good/skilled at something

Thursday, February 12, 2009

To Look

This Kanji is usually pronounced as "mi" or "ken"
(*There are exceptions) By itself, it means "to look".

Some common forms of the word when used:

見るmiru): to see
eg. yattemiru - to try and see
見える (mieru): to be able to see
eg. koko kara fujisan ga mieru - You can see Mt. Fuji from here
見せる(miseru): to show something
eg. sono hon wo misete kudasai - Please show me that book

見上げる (miageru): To look up at/ admire something
eg. Sora wo miageru - to look up at the sky

花見 [hanami]: cherry blossom viewing/ flower viewing

意見/見解 (iken/kenkai): opinion/view